The Neon Fireplace

Persons of Interest

Posted in Uncategorized by neonfireplace on January 3, 2012

There are a vast number of individuals whose work, activities and often even the very selfhoods they have crafted and live day to day I have found interesting. Much more than interesting; inspiring, pathbreaking and often awing.


These are people I come back to, whether it be days, weeks, months or years later. When I forget about these bright lights my world becomes darker, and this effort here is about ensuring why world remains as well lit as possible.


Here are people who are certifiably awesome (to make it easier on me they still have to be stalking the Earth):

– Manuel de Landa


– Paul D. Miller


– Dave Eggers


– China Mieville


– Richard Kearney


– Hans Kung


– Carlos Fuentes


– Reza Aslan


– George Steiner


– Mark Mazower


– Timothy Synder


– Timothy Garton Ash


– Robert Fisk


I think I made the task a tad easy confining myself to the living. I also have realised there are many people who are partially interesting or recently deceased who I haven’t included. A number of translators I consider partially interesting and many others. I also realise I am ignoring many directors and visual artists and I’m sure there are other types of people my mind isn’t grasping at the moment.


The important thing is to continue to strive to acknowledge and recognise the other. Its the only human thing to do.